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心动修复 第66节(1 / 2)

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好书推荐: 错撩反派大佬后我飞升了 郎心易变 满级卷王退休后教书爆红 獠牙(姐弟骨科h) 白羊(校园1v1) 他好大呀!(1v1,sc,he,体型差糙汉) 不可动心(高H) 穿孔 耳音 白桃(父女h)

姜念在听到傅沉声音的那一刻,就僵住了。『地址发布邮箱 ltxsba @ gmail.com』













openg the door, jng nn just got to the co-plot, fu chen st , nd s soon s he st , he hugged jng nn039s wst. becuse of the gp strength between n nd won, jng nn dd not brek free, nd ws even hugged by fu chen nd st on hsp.

let go. jng nn frowned, hs voce ws cold, nd he wnted to get off fu chen.

don039t let go. fu chen hugged jng nn039s wst, bured hs hed jng nn039s corbone, nd hs deep nd cold voce seed lttle muffled, nn nn, even f you just use s substtute, t039s oky to be ngry wth hs tools, don039t leve g, oky? ”

let039s brek t off, t ws my fult tht used you to nger fu sy before, let039s let ech other go, nd we shouldn039t know ech other when we et the future. jng nn even whspered lttle when he herd fu chen039s voce, nd hs hert ws sour. she turned her hed to look t the bush outsde the cr wdow, suppressed sdness, nd her voce ws cold nd cold.

then wht do you tret for? when fu chen herd jng nn039s words, the hnd holdg jng nn039s wst ws lttle hrder, nd the bodes of the two were close together. the eyes he looked t jng nn were ll red.

jng nn knew tht fu chen ws ngry, fter ll, the presdent of the fu group whspered down to be her spre tre nd substtute, nd s tool for her to be ngry, but she ddn039t wnt t, nd even wnted to brek t clen. jng nn knew tht she relly provoked fu chen039s bottom le.

we re lke ths... hmm... before jng nn could fsh spekg, he ws ggged by fu chen.

the person who hs lwys been scetc nd clm ws red t ths t, pryg open her lps nd teeth, ttckg the cty, wth the s ruthlessness of ventg, nd wth strong determton to keep her.

the two kssed deeper nd deeper, jng nn lso fell under fu chen039s offensve, the orgl resstnce hd long bee wek, nd the hnd tht wnted to push fu chen wy lso bec on fu chen039s shoulder.

the two hve kssed countless ts, nd there hve been mny bed joys, but ths t t s the most dffcult to suppress.

fu chen wlked downstrem wth one hnd, nd held the bck of jng nn039s hed wth the other, fter feelg tht jng nn ws bout to lose hs breth, he let go of her slghtly, hs foreheds t, hs scrlet eyebrows looked t jng nn, nd hs voce crred deep desre, don039t gree. ”

cn be tool, cn be substtute, why do hve to go?

when fu chen sd ths, he ws lmost ngry. he looked t jng nn, nd hs voce could be sd to be humble to the ground.

wht kd of stnd- do you put the presdent wy? between gsps, jng nn sd unstedly, t039s relly crzy. ”

don039t you wnt to see crzy for you? s you wsh. fu chen hugged jng nn039s wst g,ughed few ts, nd kssed hm g.

the fery hnd rubbed on jng nn039s red dress, burng jng nn039s sk through the fbrc.

the sound of slv entnglent dd not stop the cr, nd the temperture the cb rose shrply, the breth exhled ws hot nd hot, nd the nt-prvcy wdows were full of het.

fu chen039s hnd rubbed round, swrled on the zpper on jng nn039s wst, nd pulled down when jng nn ws confused by the kss.

fu chen, ths s the cr! jng nn grbbed fu chen039s evl hnd, looked t the mn front of hm, where ws the clm nd bstent the pst, on the contrry, there ws scrlet under hs eyes, sted wth crzy love.

he lened down wth the hnd tht hd been ced behd hm, nd jng nn snorted wth coquettshness. fu chen took hs fger up, nd hs fgertps were wet. he swyed front of jng nn039s eyes, nd hs voce ws low nd plesnt, lke solo cello t nght.

he lened to jng nn039s er nd chuckled, 039m respondg to you, bby. ”

fter spekg, fu shen pecked nd kssed jng nn039s erlobe, wth tesg nd lust. the evl hnd reched through the zpper, wreked evl on the whte rce pper, drew the mounts, drew the red plums on the peks, nd drew the grss nd strems down.

t ws lttle unfortble to drw down, fu chen pushed the skrt nd decded to pt from the bottom up.

jng nn felt fu chen039s ptg sklls, wth red ttery t the end of hs eyes, nd hs voce ws only smll gsp nd sgh.

the cr ws orglly turned on, but the het ws even worse t ths t, bkg jng nn039s whole person wth yer of lght powder.

039m plesg you, nnnn. fter fu chen sd these words, jng nn truly felt the coolness of the whte jde bed on fu chen039s wrst, s well s the feelg of congeston brought by the jde buddh nd fu chen039s fgers the mddle of the whte jde bed.

love you, never, more thn . when fu chen flly entered the vlley, he pressed gst jng nn039s er nd sd low voce.

however, jng nn hd long been drgged to the choppy se, nd he ddn039t know wht t ws to be sober.

t ths mont, s□□ wnts to mgle wth her beloved.


林清许抱着苏意上去后,却在苏意的门前犯了难。『地址发布邮箱 ltxsba @ gmail.com』这种时候,如果带回自己家,第二天苏意醒来之后肯定又会离他远远的,于是他只好将苏意放下来,让苏意靠在他身上。






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